
A Brief History Of Fingerprint Identification

Fingerprinting has become one of the most common New Digital Sales forms of personal identification used in forensics, security, and other applications. Fingerprint identification had its start as far back as the second millennium BCE. In the last century, fingerprinting technology has advanced exponentially, which has made this type of identification more reliable than ever.In ancient Babylon, fingerprints impressed into clay tablets were used as protection against forgery in legal contracts. Records Wholesale Jewelry from that time reveal that law officials took the fingerprints of individuals who had been arrested. Over a century later, Chinese officials would impress their fingerprints into document seals made of clay. Such authentication gained widespread use in Asia especially after silk and paper were invented.In the 17th and 18th centuries, physicians and experts in other related disciplines began to discover the skin structure of the hand. It was discovered that fingerprints do not change over time. In other words, the fingerprints you were born with are the ones you will have throughout your life. In the 18th century, German anatomist Johann Christoph Andreas Mayer performed studies that led to the widespread belief that no two fingerprints are exactly alike.In the following centuries, fingerprinting as a valid way to reliably identify individuals became a hot topic of debate. Numerous studies were carried out to determine whether or not fingerprints could be used to properly identify people. In the meantime, such identification was used regularly. For instance, Nail Art Market Information in the 19th century, officials began to immediately fingerprint individuals in India who were sentenced to a crime. Other countries followed suit and, eventually, individual fingerprints began to be kept on file for identification purposes.As fingerprint analyst Tom Burr said, “Fingerprints started out as ways to identify criminals, not in terms of evidence in court, but to tell Tom from Joe. When scientists found out that every person’s fingerprints were different, even identical twins, then prints became crime scene evidence.”Over the past century, fingerprint identification has become a regular practice used in justice systems around the world. Popular media depicts criminals being fingerprinted before they are thrown in jail. As this type of identification has become more accurate with time, it is increasingly being used outside of forensics for such purposes as secure access into buildings, computers, and for paternity and maternity testing. With the evolution of technology and continued advancements made every day, fingerprint identification is likely to pervade our society more and more.

